Astrokit is a simple system for controlling telescope stepper motors with built-in micro-stepping mode inside = no need for expensive external controllers.
A proprietary algorithm manages the accuracy of the system without an external clock (without RTC) and modulates and slaves the motor signals so that tracking is always correct.
Micro-stepping mode has been tested and validated up to 1/256. For small mounts, a micro step mode of 1/64 is sufficient. For large telescopes and personal dobsonians, it is advisable to stay at 1/256
Based on Linux kernel 5.10.x, sd card image & realtime distribution is built with yocto.
Rpi2 / RpI3A+ / Rpi3B+ / (Rpi4) cards are supported.
Support for the Rpi4 card is under development.
The system supports wifi, a bluetooth keyboard, and an infrared remote control for input interaction.
An LCD screen (LCD1602) connected in I2C output allows the visualization of all operations.
Astrokit generates the signals for two or more motors and provides tracking on an object (star / deep sky object / planet / ..).
Currently, both altitude and azimuth stepper motors are supported and configurable: definition of the motor attack mask, desired micro-step, desired gpios, form of the attack function (improved sine, etc.). ..
The signals simply need to be amplified by double H-bridges (components or modules based on L298N / SN754410 / other double H-bridges, ..)
Goto mode is under development. Autoguiding and periodic error correction modes are also under development.
Several practice test binaries, and the main program are available on the distribution.
Thanks to astrokit, it is possible to make a functional azimuth mount easily, with very good tracking, and without vibrations.
The necessary electronic modules are detailed and few in number.
At the moment, MES / NGC catalogs are managed.
The calculation of the position of the planets is supported.
Support for any catalog is an ongoing evolution.
The complete image of the system will be available soon (expected 01 Sept 2022)
For any inquiries, send an email to